Are your pants starting to feel a little tighter? Can you no longer fit into your favorite pair of jeans? You’ve never really worried so much about what you eat and you haven’t been exercising as much as you used to, but now slowly your weight is creeping up, and before you know it, your clothes don’t fit and you are 10 pounds over – depressing!
Most adults do experience weight gain at some point in their lives. As we get older, our body composition changes. Our muscle tone decreases and is replaced with fat. Our metabolism also starts slowing down, becoming slower with each decade that passes. We also tend to become less active as we get older, but we still continue to eat the same way as we have always been. This combination of aging, less exercise, and continuing to eat as we have always did are the reasons why so many of us gain weight.
More than one-third of adults in the US are obese, particularly among women where the obesity rate is nearly 40%. It is essential to get weight gain under control as obesity can lead to illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease. Weight gain does not have to be inevitable as we get older. There are steps we can take to stop this. If your clothes are starting to feel a little snug, the first thing to do is to stop freaking out! Even stress can increase our weight through increased cortisol levels! There is no reason to hide out in your room. Be proactive, figure out where your problem areas are and find solutions. Below are some tips to help you.
Strength Training
As mentioned earlier, as we get older, our muscle density tends to be replaced by fat. To make sure we don’t lose too much of our muscle mass, it is important to engage in some form of strength training exercise at least two to three times a week. Pilates is a great choice. It is low impact and focuses on strengthening all your muscles. You can even do it from the comfort of your own home.
Eliminate Bad Habits
Are you finding yourself drinking one too many glasses of wine at the end of a stressful day? Is the morning rush making you skip breakfast? Look and see where your lifestyle may be resulting in unhealthy choices. Just by reducing the amount of alcohol you drink and making sure to eat a healthy breakfast every day can go a long way to reducing those unwanted pounds.
Take A Supplement
If you find sticking to diet plans difficult and you find it hard to not snack between meals, there are products available that can help you achieve your goals. These supplements are not miracle cures and will not make you lose weight with no effort on your part, but they can be used as an aid to curb your appetite to reduce snacking. They can also help you burn fat at a faster rate. Read about Research Verified Garcinia Cambogia here which is one popular product that can help you out.
Make Time To Exercise
Ideally, we should aim for 30 minutes of physical activity a day. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends getting at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week. If you are looking to lose weight, you may have to increase this amount. If you spend a large part of your day sitting behind a desk, you may also want to find ways to reduce your sitting time as this can decrease your metabolism even if you meet the daily recommendations for physical activity. So get your walking shoes on and walk to work if you live close enough, or ride your bicycle. Take the stairs rather than the elevator. Rather than going for after-work drinks, go for a walk instead. It all adds up!
Healthy Eating 
Eating healthy does not mean being super restrictive. It is all about eating things in moderation and eating the right foods. Focus on whole foods. Increase your protein, healthy fat and veggie portions and cut back on carbs and sugars. Use smaller plates which has been shown to trick the mind into believing you are eating a lot. Skip seconds and save room for dessert. Don’t eat to the point of feeling stuffed.
Find Ways To De-Stress
When we are stressed, levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) in our body increases. This can increase our appetite and also increase our cravings for sugary and fatty foods. There is a reason they are called “comfort foods”. Cortisol increases our insulin levels which results in our blood sugar dropping leading to these cravings. Stress can also affect our sleep, leading to fatigue. Fatigue also results in eating more as a way to replenish energy. So it is essential to find ways to relax and also make sure to get adequate sleep every night. Exercise, yoga, writing in a journal are all possible ways to de-stress, find ways that work for you.