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Hamilton Healthcare Garcinia Cambogia Extreme Review

Hamilton Healthcare Garcinia Cambogia Extreme Supplement for Weight Loss

Hamilton Healthcare Garcinia Cambogia Extreme Review

Garcinia Cambogia is popular in supplement circles, thanks to its links to weight loss. It also purportedly decreases appetite. It is also known as tamarind fruit and originates in India and south-east Asia. In these parts, this fruit, which looks like an elongated pumpkin or two gem squashes put together, has been used medicinally for centuries thanks to how nutrient-dense it is. Most of the magic lies in the rind, which contains a compound called HCA. This compound stops the enzymes that are responsible for fat cell production from being produced themselves. Today we review a particular brand of Garcinia called Garcinia Cambogia Extreme Natural Supplement as manufactured by Hamilton Health Care.

Hamilton Healthcare brands their supplement as the purest and potent concentration on the market. It also asserts that by using this filler-free formula, you will feel sated. As a result, you will be less inclined to overeat or snack in between meals. The product also claims to be able to boost your mood, so you feel mentally fitter and have more vitality.


One serving (two capsules) contains:

Let’s start by investigating the manufacturer’s claim that its product is the most potent concentration. In order for this to be the case, it would have to contain the highest HCA percentage extraction ratio on the market. Although 80% HCA as extracted from 1400 garcinia is potent indeed, our research indicates that there are higher extractions available such as 95% HCA from 1600 mg garcinia.

The manufacturer also says that its product is the purest form, but we do not know how this can be ascertained with certainty. This product is third-party tested, a solid manufacturing practice. Third-party testing though only tests whether amounts stipulated are true and accurate; it does not measure them against other products. That said, we agree with the manufacturer that the formula does not contain any extra stimulants which will give rise to nervousness or trembling.

Chromium supports the body’s ability to convert fat into a usable, energy-available form, so this formula may lead to higher fat burn rates than some other supplements.


As an adult, take 1 capsule 30 minutes before your biggest meal with water. One serving is 2 capsules, so you could increase your dosage, but do not exceed 6 tablets a day. If you’re under 18, pregnant or breastfeeding, seek medical advice before you take this supplement.

You also need to bear in mind that the effects of this supplement are best supported by good nutritional habits and increased exercise.


We were unable to ascertain a price for a 90-count bottle on Amazon, which was also the only one we found. There was no price attached to it and it was not selling on Amazon or any other online outlet at the time of compiling this review. We are not sure if the product is out of stock. We did find a 180-count bottle referenced elsewhere, with the price stated as $59.99. If this is still the case, then according to our price comparisons, this supplement retails at the higher end of the spectrum. Yes, 180 capsules could last you for 3 months, but it could also only be a 1-month’s supply, depending on your body’s receptiveness to it.


Hamilton Healthcare has put in place a 60-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. Hopefully, it really is a comprehensive policy.  Customers have generally praised the customer service. Do note that some guarantees only cover you if you’ve received the wrong product or a damaged one.

Conclusion – Hamilton Healthcare Garcinia Cambogia Extreme Natural Supplement

Potassium, chromium, and calcium not only increase bioavailability but also help the HCA carry out its fat-burning mission as intended. The product is safe for use and contains no additives or fillers.

It is not the highest concentration of HCA as claimed though. In our opinion, in this age of media and fact transparency, it is no longer acceptable to make a claim which cannot be justified. It is up to each manufacturer to ensure they stay abreast of what competitors are doing and to adjust their labeling accordingly.

We are hesitant to recommend this product fully for the following reasons:

1) We cannot ascertain when it will be back in stock and retail-ready.

2) The product attracts very good, as well as highly dismal, reviews. This is not a single-fit-for-all supplement as each person’s baseline health indicators will vary.

3) We are uncertain if the guarantee covers you if you’re simply unhappy with how it’s worked for you.

4) The price of the 180-count bottle is high compared to other supplements with the same or better HCA percentage.

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