Articles by Jenny Michelle

After obtaining her medical degree from Emory University School of Medicine, Jenny went on to specialize in the competitive field of dermatology. In her single days, she was a Peace Corps volunteer and a medic for Doctors without Borders. These days, Dr. Michelle works part-time in a private practice in her hometown of Little Rock, Arkansas, so that she can devote herself to her growing family. In her spare time, Jenny gives back to her community by volunteering with her husband and children at their local soup kitchen.

ColoClear Review

ColoClear is a supplement designed to help cleanse your body of harmful toxins. Using proven safe and effective ingredients, this supplement offers a quick and safe way to detoxify your body. It also comes with other health benefits such as balancing both pH levels and good bacteria in the body. Another benefit it offers is…

Scarinex Review

This is a review for Scarinex to help you make an informed decision as to whether or not you would want to purchase this product. This is one of the best products for scar treatment that I have ever been able to review. The manufacturer claims that this product significantly reduces the appearance of scars…

InviCible Scars Review

This is a review of InviCible Scars Advanced Scar Treatment.  This is a product that is actually for bruise treatment. However, the product has also been proven to heal scars and sprains. It may help minimize a scar’s appearance on the skin. The product works even for surgery scars and keloids. The skin is the largest organ of… Protection Status

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